I became a Christian when I was five. I do not remember much about my life before I became a Christian, but I know I was never that serious about my relationship with God or that devote of a Christian. When I was 16 I had a falling out with God. When problems came into my life instead of taking them to God I would rely on other things. One day I realized my relationship with God was not what it should be and I was wandering from God. I hated the thought of drifting from God so I started changing things in my life, turning from insignificant things to God. My biggest commitment to God was when I went on a mission trip about a year ago; it was hard because I had always been afraid of mission trips. It was also hard because my family was afraid for my safety and was not big on the idea, even though where I was going was not dangerous. I have never been a rebellious child so it was hard to see my family’s disapproval, but eventually they accepted the idea and were ok with the idea. I have come to know that Christ is patient and no matter how many times we mess up we can always come to Him. God has really taught me how loving he is and that He knows the future so I don’t have to worry. God has really taught me to just trust Him.